Sat, 29 November 2014
You know you want to change or improve something in your life or business. So you set yourself a goal to state your intention to do something about it. And because you’ve listened to the Changeability Podcast you recognise a few negative self-beliefs and unhelpful limiting thoughts lurking in your mind that could potentially scupper the whole thing. Well now comes the exciting part – because this is where you start to tell your new story, as you affirm yourself and whatever it is you want to achieve. Because today is the day we talk about how to make affirmations work for you. In episode 18 of our Changeability Podcast we look at how you can easily create your own personal positive affirmations and once you’ve got them, what you can do with them.
In today’s episode you find out:
Sat, 22 November 2014
Ever thought about the power of your words? We’re not talking about the affect your words have on others when you say something encouraging, uplifting or downright hurtful and unkind. No, we’re talking about the affect your words have on you. Every day we think thoughts in words and we tell ourselves things about what we’re doing, what we should do and what we have done. We interpret the world through our words and thoughts. Our words influence our thoughts and at the same time our thoughts influence our words. 90 years ago Florence Scovel Shinn wrote about the influence of our subconscious on what we do and the way our words
Over the last few episodes we’ve looked at the unhelpful words that we tell ourselves, the words that with repetition lead us to the beliefs and thoughts that hold us back, keep us living small and limit our opportunities and achievements. Today we’re talking about words that do exactly the opposite – words that help us create the life we want. So don’t be behind the times - listen to Episode 17 of the Changeability Podcast to find out about the power of your words and how to use them to affirm yourself and what you want in life or business. It’s the what, why and how of positive affirmations. In today’s show you’ll find out:
Sat, 15 November 2014
What do you call the negative thoughts, feelings and emotions that clog up your mind and get in the way of you living your best life? In today’s episode of the Changeability Podcast we are delighted to be joined by a guest who calls them our ‘Head Trash’. The last few episodes of the Changeability Podcast have been about how to discover your negative limiting thoughts and self-beliefs – and last week (in episode 15) we explored a way of examining and releasing them. Today we look at it from a different angle with an expert with her own take on the subject and how to do it. Alexia Leachman joins us to talk about head trash - what it is and how you can clear your head trash. Alexia is the founder of Head Trash and host of the chart topping The Head Trash Show podcast. We were also honoured to have our youngest ever guest making her first podcast appearance. If you listen carefully you might hear some cute baby noises in the background from Alexia’s new daughter Sofia. In episode 15 you’ll find out about:
Sat, 8 November 2014
We all have thoughts and self-beliefs that impact how we go about every aspect of our life and business or work. Some are positive and some negative – and the negative ones limit what we do and how we do it – they get in the way of us achieving the goals we set ourselves and our vision for the life or business we want. So to stop this happening we want to find a way of minimising the effect of these disempowering thoughts that limit our opportunities. And to paraphrase the words of Socrates - we need to get rid of our old limiting thoughts, so we’re not inadvertently focusing our energy on ‘fighting the old’, but release them to focus on ‘building the new’ going forward. That’s what we’re talking about in today’s episode of the Changeability Podcast –practical ways of dealing with and letting go of limiting thoughts and self-beliefs. We even talk you through a couple of simple exercises you can easily do to clear them out. In episode 15 you’ll find out about:
Sat, 1 November 2014
“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” Shakespeare
If you answered yes to any of these questions then you’ll like today’s episode of the Changeability Podcast. Because we’re looking at examples of the limiting thoughts we all have – and what self-beliefs hold you back.
The type of thinking that narrows our horizons, holds us back from living the biggest best version of our lives, and gets in the way of us achieving our goals.
In episode 14 you’ll find out about:
· 9 types of unhelpful negative thoughts we all have (or we do anyway so we’re assuming you do too!) |