Sat, 23 January 2016
In this week’s episode of the Changeability Podcast we’re talking goals and more specifically we’re talking SMART goals. What are they and why do people like them – in our smart guide to SMART goals.
As we write this, we’re three weeks into 2016 and so far this year we've been thinking about goals. In episode 74 we looked at why some people don’t like the idea of goals or setting goals and some ways to overcome those objections. We chatted to Richard Scott in episode 75 about his experiences and insights into goals and how to achieve them. On last week’s show, in episode 76, we thought about why our brains like having goals. We’re at the end of a very goal focused week ourselves, having been working on two specific goals of our own simultaneously. One of which is ironically about goals – to finish writing all the scripts for our new goals course. And the other goal is to transfer this website over to a new theme (Thrive themes if you’re interested), so it will look better and be more responsive and therefore more useful. So far so good, though there may still be some glitches to sort out but we’re getting there. We like to set challenging goals that gives us lots of things to do at the same time! As we’ve got goals on our minds this week we thought it would be good to think about different types of goals, and more specifically about one type of goal which is incredibly popular in personal development and business - the SMART goal. You can’t go very far in the worlds of business or personal development without coming across SMART goals, so listen to the show to hear our smart guide to SMART goals. Episode 77 of the Changeability PodcastListen to episode 77 of the Changeability Podcast to find out more including:
Want to know more?If you want to know more about goals sign up at and leave your name and we’ll get back to you with more information. |